Saturday, August 02, 2008

Little Basque General

Since we have just celebrated the feast day of St. Ignatius of Loyola I thought I would dedicate today's post to this great saint of the Church.

Many of you will know the story of the founder of the Jesuits, but for those who aren't aware of the details I will remind you.

Ignacio was born, as his name suggests, at a place called Loyola, in Northern Spain, in the Basque region. He was a solider and a great romancer. However, at a battle in Pamplona he was hit by a canon ball, and his legs were broken. He was very vain, and despite his leg being healed, it didn't look flattering in his stockings, so he ordered that his leg be re-broken and re-set.

It was during this time of convalsesance that he was converted. Ignacio loved to read romance novels, however, in his castle in Loyola there were no such novels, he had to content himself to read the life of Christ and the lives of the saints. Here he read a more real, more permanent romance, that between the human soul and it's Creator. He decided to dedicate his life to God. He travelled to Monserrat, to Our Lady's shrine and there, at her feet he left his sword. Showing his renounciation of his former life, and dedication of his new life in Christ.

This is the first part of his life, I'd encourage you to read the rest. My favourite part of his life, is when he realised his own ignorance, and so went to study Latin, and a late stage in his life, and in the classroom was surrounded by all the young scholars. This image shows his humility, and desire to do the will of God. It is this image which drove me to choose him as my patron saint.

St. Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us.

1 comment:

James M said...

Nice touch at the end there