In furtherance to my esteemed colleague's post, I also received an e-mail from a friend in Rome telling me of this terrible action.
The man has apparently given the reason for this sacrilege as being a protest for the Church's teachings on moral issues.
I thought I'd advertise the man's motive for two reasons, firstly, a further act of reparation, in addition to praying, might be to live and defend the Church's moral teaching in a more pure and devout way.
Secondly, to highlight the fact that there are many people who use the Blessed Sacrament as a political tool. We hear of the Rainbow Sash movement in America, and other such (forgive me) pious confraternities, which try to show their descent from Catholic truths by making political stands, protests and statement's with the Blessed Sacrament at the celebration of the Eucharist.
This sort of action is cheap, it is cheap to manipulate another's religion for one's own ends, rather than deal with the actual issues at hand.
So, as it is Thursday, perhaps we can all offer the final decade of the luminous mysteries of our daily rosary, for reparation to the Sacred Heart for offenses against Him in the Eucharist.