Thursday, July 19, 2007

Such wide readership

I have today discovered readers of this blog come from wide and varied cultures. I received a couple of comments under 'Altar Boys v Altar Girls' calling me a sexist pig from a new blogger who is actively homosexual and uses their blog to tell the world about it. Interesting that nothing was said about my complete condemnation of homosexuality in another post.


Anonymous said...

Ah, don't worry about it! I've been having a fun chat with 'Anoymous' on my blog too. I am apparent a fascist pig for being a Catholic (because of abortion), and apparently I am going to get my chums in Special Branch onto him/her. Charming! (sarc.)

Anonymous said...

Ahh don't you just love erudite, carefully sourced comments like 'sexist pig'! lol

Anonymous said...

From having a scout round the other Catholic blogs I think what`s happened is that a few Gay/Secular pressure groups ( The national secular society being one) have cottoned onto one or two threads, left lots of angry posts, then cast their eye down the blogroll on that site, which has led them to other catholic blogs, which they see as fodder for their spleen-venting. A bit like "blogging with menaces" isn`t it. Perhaps we could campaign under Human Rights legislation for that to be made a new offence....

The Devouring Fire said...

But I think it shows that you've touched on something, hey?!?
If gay and proud people felt so secure in "the goodness" of what they are doing why the BITTER outrage?

Ouch! The conscience. Painful little blighter, isn't it?

John said...

"I am apparent a fascist pig for being a Catholic (because of abortion)"

I love the logic of secularism.. Classic works of fiction...

Anonymous said...

Oh that sounds a good one...must have missed it!