Sunday, August 12, 2007

The prayers are working

Today at Mass we had Sweet Sacrament Divine at Communion, played on an electric keyboard and during Communion but 1 out of three ain't bad. The recessional hymn though was Faith of our Fathers played on the organ! Alleluia!!!


Anonymous said...

Hurray! I'm not sure we will ever merit such delights here! ;-/

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't it be sung during communion? :-S

Anonymous said...

At my parish, this Sunday, we had "Endless Faith" which surprise really is "Faith of our Fathers" just butchered with PC language. Each verse is as such: "Faith of our Fathers, then Faith of our mothers, then Our Brothers, and then our sisters. We wouldn't want to offend anyone by leaving them out, but of course offending anyone who thinks songs shouldn't be butchered by politically correct newspeak, well that doesn't count.

Orthfully Catholic said...

cpt tom, gosh, I have never known Faith of our Fathers to be ruined in such a way as you describe. I thought the version we sang leaving out the word 'England' in verse 3 so as not to offend those who are not English was bad enough (I sang it loud and clear).

anon, oh no, the Communion Hymn should be sung once Communion has been distributed so as to allow the people to pray after receiving.

Anonymous said...

I think you're right about singing at Communion. GIRM 86 envisages a Communion Chant to be begun as soon as the priest has received from the chalice and to be continued whilst the people are distributing communion. This is not only messy but can lead to the horrendous spectacle of Extraordinary Ministers and Clergy singing "Soul of my Saviour" or whatever it is and interspersing it with "The Body of Christ". As a liturgical musician of 40 years experience, I have always held to the view that choral or instrumental music during communion is best with a post communion or recessional hymn (BUT NOT BOTH) if really necessary.

But what's wrong with silence? Why do we have to fill every space in the Mass with noise of some kind?

Orthfully Catholic said...


I totally agree with you! You can be sure there will be complete silence during Communion when I am a priest (apart from the odd screaming baby of course).

Anonymous said...

Ah well, you'll have to let me know the time and date of your first mass. If you can promise silence, I'll be there.

BTW, do keep us informed of what, if anything, your seminary says about the MP. I do hope it responds with the spirit of generosity that the HF calls for.

Anonymous said...

Attended the beautiful Redhill last Sunday. They have a great organist there now. No more chattering and noise after mass. He BLOWS them out the door after mass so loudly and beautifully no one bothers to have the usual shouting conversations. Of course there is always the one or two who won't be stopped but it gave me such delight to hear the pitiful straining in the face of such a beautiful musical torent- I know, mea culpa but most forgiveable I assure you.